How You Can Support Autism Speaks
1 in 68 children in the United States is currently diagnosed with autism. Whether it is realized or not autism affects our world, and many families and friends living in our communities right now are affected by autism. A core value of MC Companies is their commitment to the betterment of the communities that they […]
Why I Walk: Rebecca Maust
As a part of our work with Autism Speaks Arizona, we are walking in the Arizona Autism Speaks Walk this coming October. There are many reasons why people walk; friends, co-workers, family members. 1 in 68 kids are diagnosed with autism which just goes to show how many people are affected by autism. With that in mind, here […]
Make A Difference Just By Walking
1 in 68 children in the US have autism. Not to scare you, but that’s a pretty high number. Over 3 million people in the US alone are affected by autism spectrum disorders and tens of millions are affected worldwide. So why am I telling you this? Because you can help make a positive impact […]
Arizona Walk Now for Autism Speaks: Team Blain
Every year, Autism Speaks holds walks throughout the country to raise awareness, support and donations for autism programs, education and research. Thousands of people come to each of these events and they all have their own personal reason for walking. Why do you walk? We would like to shine a light on one special team: […]
Lace Up for Autism: Arizona Walk Now for Autism Speaks
Today, the odds that your child will have an autism spectrum disorder is 1 in 68. The chances are even higher for boys at 1 in 42. There are 3 million children with autism spectrum disorders in the United States. Every year, more and more families are searching for resources to help their children with […]