Treasure hunting in Phoenix


My all time favorite childhood movie, The Goonies is one of those movies that you can totally picture yourself hanging with the gang and taking part in their adventures. What I love best about the movie is the pure adrenaline rush you get just watching the Goonies treasure hunting for One-Eyed Willy’s fortune. The nostalgia of these hunts are provoked every time I walk into a thrift shop. I walk in on the search for a specific item while going though every nook and cranny looking for the ultimate chachkie. It’s my treasure hunt; just on a smaller scale.

It seems like the new trend right now is buying and reselling retro finds from thrift shops onto sites like eBay, but I don’t stroll down the isles of second hand stores looking for treasures to resell, but rather I do it for reasons very personal to me.


When walking into a thrift store, such as Savers, memories of my grandmother flood my heart. Flashbacks of my childhood with her constantly replay in my brain to the point I sometimes got to hide in a corner to wipe away my tears. I go in with the simple mission of treasure hunting for items that remind me of her and everything she collected, because she collected EVERYTHING! I walk up and down the isles carefully combing through the items on the shelf, similar to a detective searching for clues. My eyes know and are familiar with what I am looking for, and when I spot something, I instantaneously get excited knowing I have found something that reminds me her. I recently found the same Corning Ware Tea Pot my grandmother used to own at a Goodwill in Central Phoenix. The thrill of discovering the teapot was unexplainable, and a little emotional as I have been searching for it for some time now, and I bought it on 50% off Saturday – SCORE!

I have purchased several other collectables over the past couple of years; items my grandmother would have owned and now they are in my home as reminders of her irreplaceable personality and style. Since I’ve started this treasure hunt I have also started to collect other cool items that mesh with my apartments character. Records are fun to search for too, because when I find ones like: Toto, the soundtrack to The Big Chill, or even Kenny Rogers greatest hits, I know I totally hit the jackpot on vintage vinyl.


Whatever it may be that you are in the hunt for, I am positive that your local thrift shop has it. If you have never gone into a second hand store, stop by and take a look. I think you’ll be surprised on the things you can find there. Good luck with the treasure hunt!

Great thrift shops to check out are:

Savers in North Scottsdale

Goodwill Redesign in Scottsdale

Goodwill in Central Phoenix off of Camelback & 17th ave

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